
Our Purpose

LandTrust exists to strengthen the relationship between private landowners and the outdoor recreation community.

Our Story

LandTrust connects landowners with outdoor recreators seeking recreational land access in an easy to use online marketplace. We are the leading recreation access network that brings people together to create income for landowners and opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts.

At LandTrust, we believe the future of working lands is dependent on a portfolio of income from agricultural production, conservation and recreation opportunities. Whether you are a landowner or an outdoor enthusiast, everyone benefits when rural and working land remains undeveloped. That is why we created LandTrust.

We are committed to building partnershipcommunity and trust with our landowners and recreators.


Our Value

 -For hunters looking for new opportunities on private
land, makes it easy to connect directly
with landowners and book hunts. Unlike expensive
annual leases, guided hunts, or door knocking, LandTrust
makes accessing private land simple.
-For farmers and ranchers looking for a practical way to add
income to their operations, connects
landowners with respectful sportsmen looking to pay for
access to their land. Unlike government programs, leases, or
outfitters, is a partner that helps build a
valuable new income from sportsmen while keeping
landowners in full control.

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