Cervicide Hunter in field

About Us

Our Story

Cervicide is a membership based platform dedicated to uniting hunters and promoting wildlife conservation. At our core lies our flagship product, the Cervicide Membership program. Since our inception over a decade ago, we’ve made many changes. Despite changes, our core values have always remained the same, here is our story:

Cervicide was established in 2011 by Jimmy McKinney and a group of college friends who shared the same passion for hunting. Our original members were from Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Florida, Virginia, Michigan, and Iowa. We started out filming our hunts on public land and small tracts of private ground, aiming to provide the purest fair chase hunting videos from our home and surrounding states. At this time our primary focus was hunting whitetail deer. Some of this content dates back as early as 2011 and can still be viewed on our YouTube channel today.

As time progressed, we were experiencing explosive growth on our Instagram page. Hunters from around the country wanted to represent Cervicide by contributing hunting content from their home state. It was then, when we introduced the Cervicide Field Staff program, this was around the fall of 2013. Upon launching this program we quickly had staff representing all 50 states. Our merchandise was selling all over the country, including merch orders from fans in foreign countries. With more content coming in, we began to reach even more hunters.

A dichotomy that made Cervicide different is that we were never governed by rules from our partners. Our program was, and continues to be self funded by our members. Not being married to partners is a fundamental principal at Cervicide. Essentially we have never offered the stereotypical Field Staff opportunity where Field Staff were direct extensions of companies who were attempting to push sales in direct exchange for discounts/free goods/or money.

As our Membership Program grew, we began partnering with even more companies. We didn’t want to tell our staff what they could or could not use to hunt, so we opted to give them more opportunities to take advantage of. After all, companies knew our staff was creating content, so offering a discount helped get their products in our staffs hand. The equilibrium that kept us unbiased was Cervicide was monetized by our members, not manufactures.

Our rules have always been simple. Be an ethical steward to the environment, use products you believe in, and it’s your tag – you fill it.

As time went on, we realized a lot of hunters wanted to join our Field Staff, yet had no intent to film. This lead to a major evolution in our Field Staff program, which still resonates to this day. Many of these Field Staff at this point were members for years. They never produced content, but supported us by purchasing merch and engaging on our social pages. They obviously saw value in our program, or wouldn’t continue to stay. We had to take a step back and figure out what it was they valued, if they weren’t here to film their hunts. The answer we found could be summarized in 1 word. Community.

Our Field Staff has gone from an infancy phase to the largest it’s ever been. We’ve had thousands of staff over the years, and while social media’s hay-day has come and gone – we can confidently say our community is stronger than ever.

Our biggest focus at Cervicide HQ has shifted to uniting hunters, and increasing our community. Ever since social media has become less social, many hunters have been looking for a place to plug in. We created some awesome products specifically geared toward uniting hunters, and enhancing our community.

These products include access to events, Hunt Link™, Meat-Ups™, educational webinars, Whitetail Theories Podcast, and monthly newsletters. Our Members are now able to connect within our Cervicide group, a place where members can freely converse without censorship. Outside of our ‘virtual hunting camp’ we encourage in person relationships to organically occur.

The past decade has been a blast, and we are excited to grow our Member Program over the forthcoming decade. As we continue to evolve as brand, we are committed to adhering to our core values, and enhancing our members experience. In this next chapter of Cervicide, we aim to continue focusing on our community, and uniting hunters.

Core Values

  • Hunt ethically
  • Your tag, you fill it
  • Obey hunting laws
  • Enforce safety
  • Choose your own gear
  • Respect fellow hunters
  • Respect your quarry
  • Empower new hunters
  • Promote wildlife conservation
Cervicide Uniting Hunters Logo

Our Mission Statement

To promote wildlife conservation by uniting hunters through our virtual hunting camp

Meet the Team behind cervicide

Jimmy McKinney w/ Deer

Jimmy McKinney


Jimmy’s passion for hunting started at a young age and was passed down to him by his grandpa and dad. Archery whitetail hunting is his favorite harvest. Jimmy loves snowmobiling, fishing, kayaking, and snowboarding. He also enjoys time at the beach with his wife, sons, and dog.

Justin Edwards

Operations Manager

Justin is obsessed with the outdoors! Whether he is canoeing into the Florida swamps to hunt & fish, primitive camping, or just working in his garden you can always find him outside enjoying nature. He loves sharing all of his live-off-the-land traditions that were passed down to him.