Swap Category: Whitetail

Whitetail swap

Looking to swap private land missouri bow hunt for Kansas. I’m a lifetime resident in Kansas so getting a tag is easy. Have a place for you to stay and tasty vittles. We manage our place, you can hammer anything over 140. Shot opportunity is 100% if your here a few days in the rut. […]

NW Indiana Public Land

So this would be for the week of Oct 22, 2024. If anyone is in the NW Indiana, SW Michigan, Or Chicagoland Illinois area and wants to try some public ground, there’s over 20,000 acres within 1.5 hrs of me. I’d be more than happy to hunt a day or two with an interested person, […]

Kentucky Velvet Hunt

Gear Up for an all public velvet deer hunt at the Big River State Forest in Kentucky. My self and Hunter Teagarden are going to be hosting this as a last minute out of state trip to fulfill a bucket list hunt for both of us, a velvet archery deer! Come tag along as we […]

PA Flintlock

Looking for an exciting different type of hunt? Grab your flintlock and join me in the Allegheny Mountains. There will be some hiking and some sitting. But over all some great hunting!