3rd annual Kentucky Bowfishing trip

You ever wanted to enjoy a night out chasing non game fish on the Ohio river? With some of the most beautiful sun sets and star shows this is one trip you shouldn’t miss! Come out and join Allen Pinkerton at the 3rd Annual Kentucky Bowfishing Hunt Link on May 30th thru the 1st in Calvert City Kentucky, all the gear will be supplied if you need it, we will be running the lakes during the day hitting up them coves enjoying the scenery and when that sun goes down we will be out on the Ohio river chasing a fish that takes alittle bit more hunting skills to find! During this hunt link we will be spending a lot of time on the water so bring your coolers, sunglasses and crocs lets enjoy a weekend of running around the river and lakes doing some bowfishing is the bowfishing capital! Until then stay safe shoot straight and I hope to see you in Kentucky!

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