montana spring bear hunt 2025


This hunt will be the beginning of the 2025 season, taking place in central Montana in the Little Belt Mountains of unit 400. The closest town would be White Sulpher Springs, this hunt will be a base camp with a high possible chance of spike camping in the backcountry. The terain can vary from steep ridges to flat open benches, weather can vary from snow to rain, possible 40 degrees to 70 degrees depending on what the weather gives us.

This unit has some grizzly bear activity so cautious. The elk and mule deer population is also plentiful here and provides the perfect opportunity to shed hunt and observe these beautiful animals in their calving grounds as this is where the bears will be most likely. Spot and stalk is the game so be prepared to cover some ground behind the optics and on the boots. The roads in this part of the unit are decent, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring a ATV or side by side if you have access to one as most of the glassing points I have used in the past are only accessible this way or its all boots on ground.

This is a rifle hunt so 40 square inches of hunters orange is required to be worn at all times during actively hunting, you may use archery equitment but still required to wear hunters orange. Caliber must be 25 caliber or bigger, personally I use a 270 but have a 6.5×300 weatherby mag for long range shots, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.

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