Join Tim Davis, the South Central Regional Director hailing from New Mexico, as he brings together the vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts in the South Central Region and his cherished Cervicide family. As we step into the exhilarating hunting season or prepare to embark on the journey across the nation, Tim invites you to a captivating discussion about a pivotal aspect of the hunt – gear selection.
Are you the savvy budget-conscious hunter or the enthusiastic gear connoisseur? Tim will share insights into his meticulously chosen gear, delving into the rationale behind his selections. But that’s not all – he’s equally eager to learn about your gear preferences and the reasoning behind your choices.
Mark your calendars for an engaging evening of camaraderie and knowledge exchange. Join Tim and fellow hunting aficionados on Tuesday, September 5th, at 7:00 PM Central, and together, let’s gear up for a memorable hunting season ahead. Your insights and experiences await in this exciting virtual gathering.